
Photo by Markus Winkler / Unsplash

All views, opinions, thoughts, recipes, and other content published on this site are those of Raymond P Tetzloff unless otherwise stated. Under no conditions should other parties be held responsible for the thoughts, beliefs, or content held herein.

The views, opinions, and thoughts expressed herein are my own, and are not  the views, opinions, thoughts, or policies of my employer, family members (including my wife, father, mother, sisters, in-laws, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, cousins, third-cousins-twice-removed, or any other relatives), friends, pets, rock-pets, trees, political parties, or any one else. I will do my best to represent the values of other individuals by citing sources properly and correctly where possible and applicable, but my interpretations of data are, by nature, subjective.

Realistically, I am the only person that you should blame or hold responsible for any of the opinions, thoughts, conjecture, recipes, and views expressed on this website. If you have any problems, please use comments for discussion in a civil manner.

I am open to debate, discussion, and commentary. Just keep it clean and civil. If it strays from that, that changes.

Now for the I am not a... and sponsorship sections...

For anything medical: I am not a medical professional, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or anything similar. I am not a public health scientist. I do not study public health or medicine for a living. Anything I post or publish here should be considered opinion or for entertainment purposes only. Please, please, please, seek medical advice from professionals instead of relying on amateur opinion from an Internet blog. I hope I can persuade you to seek medical advice where relevant, but don't blindly follow me. Or anyone.

For anything legal: I am not a lawyer, attorney, police officer, legislator, magistrate, judge, politician, or anything in between. I do not practive law for a living. I do not make laws for a living. I do not have anything to do with making or enforcing laws for a living. Anything I post or publish here should be considered opinion or for entertainment purposes only. If you need legal help, please seek help from someone who is qualified from granting such help.

For any links: I do not receive sponsorships for any of the links listed here. I'm linking to the resources that I do as a matter of transparency and because those are the products that I use or used. Sometimes the specific product can make a difference in the end result of a recipe, sometimes it doesn't. I'm not getting paid for this. I'm doing it to share or because I believe in something.

Hopefully that's enough! 😀 Let's all enjoy ourselves.

-Ray Tetzloff